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Get all the info on Catch here!

What is Catch?

Catch was founded in 2020 by some people in San Francisco who wondered why we all use credit and debit cards when there’s a better alternative for everyone (except the credit card companies and big banks). The Catch team hails from companies like Aff

Is Catch free?

Yes! You’ll only earn money, never pay money. To see how Catch earns money, please click here.

How does the sign-up bonus work?

If it’s your first time using Catch, you’ll get an extra $10 in-store credit towards your next purchase in addition to what Glamnetic is offering.

Are there any restrictions on my Catch credits?

How will I redeem my credits?

How does Catch make money?

Unlike other payment methods that take a cut of every transaction, Catch charges Glamnetic only when it drives value to our business. In other words, we pay Catch a small fee if and when you return and redeem your Catch-earned store credit.

What do I do if I am having trouble using Catch or their rewards?

In these cases, please reach out to the Catch directly as we do not have access to their platform.